
FinnFusion is an open community encompassing all Finnish players in fusion energy business, technology and science, including funding agencies and ministries.

FinnFusion contributes to the realisation of fusion energy. The road to fusion is full of industrial opportunities for FinnFusion members. Besides projects, the members contribute with their expertise by participating in the FinnFusion advisory board, which meets regularly twice a year.

Within FinnFusion, the formal FinnFusion Consortium focuses on the implementation of the EUROfusion work programme in Finland. The members of the Consortium are VTT (coordinator), Aalto University, CSC, Fortum, LUT University, Tampere University, University of Helsinki and Ã…bo Akademi University.

ECO-Fusion is a Business Finland funded co-innovation initiative, consisting of research projects by VTT (coordinator) and the University of Helsinki, and company projects by Comatec, EOS Finland, Luvata and Platom. The duration of ECO-Fusion is 2021–2024.